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Singapore gets all-night programme

Eurosport - Thu, 31 Jan 10:40:00 2008

All the on-track action for the Singapore Grand Prix weekend will take place at night, following confirmation by the sport's governing body the FIA.

The Asian nation had already been guaranteed to host the first night race in championship history in a bid to improve TV audiences in Europe, but will now see practice and qualifying take place after dark too.

First practice on the Friday will begin at 4pm local time as opposed to the usual 10am, with the second session at 8pm, in a move that will also give teams the chance to assess track conditions in the dark ahead of the race.

Final practice on the Saturday will start at 5pm with qualifying at 8pm. The race had already been scheduled to begin at 8pm, which translates to midday in the UK.

Other changes announced by the FIA include the moving of the race start times for the Australian and Chinese Grands Prix, with the latter starting at 3:30pm local time and China getting underway at 3pm. Both started at 2pm last year.

Jamie O'Leary / Eurosport

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