자주 제게 쪽지로 LSD 에 대한 문의를 해오시는 분들이 많으신데

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물론 약간 과장됨과 제품에 대한 호평이 있기는 하지만 대부분 사실입니다.

torsen limited slip differential.  

  It's a good redesign of the Quaife.  Unbelievable mod.  Every front wheel drive car should have one.   It allows power to be put down evenly in a straight line, eliminating torque steer, and uneven wheel spin at the drags.  It also allows for the car to pull hard around sharp corners without losing traction on the inside.    Need to turn tighter when the tires are spinning.. turn tighter.   It's pretty amazing how it'll hang on.   Works nicely in the snow too

ps : one way, two way 1.5way 에 대한 언급은 패스~~