혹시나, 댓글로 달면 지나치시는 분이 계실 것 같아서 자동차 관련된 글이 아니지만

이렇게 적습니다.


우선 좋은 뜻으로 글을 올리신 최오성님께 죄송스러운 글이 될 것 같습니다만, 아래의 파워포인트 캡쳐자료에

있는 내용은 사실이 아닙니다.


약 1999년 정도부터 인터넷에 퍼지기 시작한 것으로 알고 있으며, 처음에는 이메일로 나중에는 파워포인트 파일로

변형되어서 알려진 내용입니다. 다음 글은 NY에 있는 Rochester General hospital 홈페이지

( http://www.rochestergeneral.org/rochester-general-hospital/centers-and-services/rochester-heart-institute/patient-education/how-to-survive-a-heart-attack-when-alone/ )

에서 직접 발췌한 내용입니다.


How to Survive a Heart Attack When Alone


Hundreds of people around the country have received an e-mail message entitled “How to Survive a Heart Attack When Alone.” This article recommends a procedure to survive a heart attack in which the victim is advised to repeatedly cough at regular intervals until help arrives.

The source of information for this article was attributed to Rochester General Hospital. This article is being propagated on the Internet as individuals send it to friends and acquaintances – and then those recipients of the memo send it to their friends and acquaintances, and so on.

We can find no record that an article even resembling this was produced by Rochester General Hospital within the last 20 years. Furthermore, the medical information listed in the article can not be verified by current medical literature and is in no way condoned by this hospital’s medical staff. Also, both The Mended Hearts, Inc., a support organization for heart patients, and the American Heart Association have said that this information should not be forwarded or used by anyone.

Please help us combat the proliferation of this misinformation. We ask that you please send this e-mail to anyone who sent you the article, and please ask them to do the same.

For reporters:

Other information on this issue can be found at The Mended Hearts, Inc. or at Urban Legends.


파워포인트에서 말하는 큰 기침을 통해서, 심장마사지를 대체하는 방법은 최근의 의학 서적이나 논문

어느 곳에서도 reference를 찾을 수 없는 내용입니다. 그리고, AHA(미국 심장학회)에서도 저러한 방법을 퍼뜨리지도 사용하지도

말라고 권고하고 있습니다. 


Richard N. Forogos, 박사의 칼럼에서 일부를 발췌하여 덧붙입니다.

What Should You Do If You Think You Might Be Having A Heart Attack?

If you experience any symptoms suggestive of heart attack, especially if you know you have risk factors for CAD, you should get medical help as soon as possible. Generally, the safest thing to do is to call 911 and have the paramedics come to you. Once you are in the care of paramedics, your risk of dying from a cardiac arrest is greatly diminished.

If you live in an area where paramedics are not readily available, then have someone drive you to a hospital. But whatever you do, get help right away, because if you are having a heart attack, every minute is vitally important. And while you're waiting for the paramedics, or while being driven to the hospital, take an aspirin.


여러가지 내용이 적혀 있지만, 응급구조자나 병원으로 데려다 줄 수 있는 누군가의 도움을 받는 것이 최우선입니다.!!!

시간이 되시면 다음 칼럼을 한번 읽어보세요..
